A Drone’s-Eye View Of My Garden

Estimated read time 2 min read

My son, who has a drone and a camera, captured these images in January. It’s nice to see the garden from a different perspective. I have numbered the features that I find noteworthy and provided links to my blog posts in which I go into more detail. You may have to scroll through the whole post to see where I talk about a particular feature. Here’s something to do while you wait for the snow melt. Hope you enjoy it! Click on the image for a larger version.

The most zoomed out view
This image is a little closer, and has been rotated by 90°.
This cropped version of the previous picture allows you to see the garden beds in greater detail.

You can also take a garden tour by clicking here. It covers the majority of the areas.

  1. House
  2. Carriage Barn
  3. Garden shed
  4. Chicken coop
  5. Bird Sanctuary
  6. Ash tree
  7. Vegetable garden
  8. Potager/Cutting Garden
  9. Slope Garden
  10. Damp Meadow
  11. Sundial
  12. Back creek
  13. Glen Brook
  14. Waterfall
  15. Roadside beds Daffodils 1, Daffodils 2, Daffodils 3, Sundrops
  16. Secret Garden
  17. Wild Apple Woods
  18. Cabin Fever Bed Cabin Fever Bed 2, Blooms
  19. Front Walk
  20. Wellhead Bed
  21. Front Garden Amending Beds, Heirloom Iris, Garden Tour
  22. Parking Pad/Fern Alley
  23. Herb Garden
  24. West Deck
  25. Deck Alcove
  26. North Deck
  27. Rose Purgatory

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